Book Management and Control

This module will help schools to receive,manage,monitor and control the books they receive from the respective educational institutions (Gauteng department of education).


The system is dependent on each student having a card to issue and return against.

How it Works :

Receiving the books from the department and enter them into the system.

1. Receive the Text Book
2. Stick a unique barcode label onto each book
3. Scan the Text Book ISBN number into the system
4. Enter the volume of books received and submit

Issuing the books to students

1. Open the departmental books system
2. Click on Issues
3. Scan the student card
4. Scan the ISBN number
5. Scan the book identifier barcode
6. Submit
The book is now issued out to the individual student

Returning book to school

1. Open the departmental books system
2. Click on Returns
3. Scan the student card
4. Scan the ISBN number
5. Scan the book identifier barcode
6. Submit
The book is now back in stock and ready to be issued to the next student

Reconciliation of books

1. Open the departmental books system
2. Click on Reports
2.1 Books Issued report
2.2 Books Returned report
2.3 Discrepancy report – books not returned
3. Non returned books - follow your schools own internal procedure.

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